The Stop Taser Torture blog is the official blog that coordinates the annual December 4th event called, “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” Our goal is to unite the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day – Taser Torture in America, Canada and throughout the world. Join us on December 4th.
This is the 1
A Day before blogging for justice Ready, Start, blog!
The Stop Taser Torture blog is the official blog that coordinates the annual December 4th event called, “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.”
Many police departments are using tasers to torture even nonviolent people who are often those who are incoherent, hallucinating, wheelchair bound, suicidal, unarmed, deaf, handcuffed, blind, pregnant, students, or just didnt move fast enough for an officers liking. Taser torture in America is continuously growing not only in volume, but in the level of how liberally, unwarrantedly, and excessively tasering is being used across the U.S and many other countries. In America, some police departments are even now torturing 10 year old children.
Register your blog for this year’s 2nd annual “Stop Taser Torture – Blogging For Justice Day.”
Place a button on your blog or website.
Register your blog via email at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com Leave your blog name, city, country and blog address.
Ft. Worth Chapter
Most law enforcement agencies have policies that guide their use of force. These policies describe a escalating series of actions an officer may take to resolve a situation. This continuum generally has many levels, and officers are instructed to respond with a level of force appropriate to the situation at hand, acknowledging that the officer may move from one part of the continuum to another in a matter of seconds.
An example of a use-of-force continuum follows:
Our goal is to unite the world’s bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day – Taser Torture in America, Canada and throughout the world.
Amnesty International says that between 2001 and August 2008, 334 Americans died after Taser shocks. The stun gun was deemed to have caused or contributed to at least 50 of those deaths, Amnesty says, citing medical examiners and coroners. Most suspects were unarmed, and many were subjected to repeated or prolonged shocks, according to Amnesty. The human rights group has called for governments to limit the use of stun guns or suspend their use. In November 2007, the UN Committee Against Torture released a statement saying “use of Taser X26 weapons, provoking extreme pain, constituted a form of torture, and… in certain cases, it could also cause death.”
Join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.
Support the event. Place a widget or button on your blog.
Contact us at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog.
Don’t forget to support the petition to the United States Congress calling for public hearings on the systemic human rights violations occurring with Federal funding for the use of Tasers® against American citizens. The United Nation’s Committee against Torture has declared that Taser use can constitute a form of torture, while USA: Amnesty International has an on-going concern about the use of tasers on American citizens. More HERE
Should governments limit the use of Taser guns or suspend their use? Let you opinion be known at the Dailykos.
ACCORDING TO THE BBC, Guernsey Police may have to abandon the use of Taser stun guns because the UK government will not allow the importation of more ammunition.
The Home Department, which acquired the equipment more than three years ago, has been told it will not be allowed to replenish or replace its stock.
Guernsey Police said it was a "very difficult predicament".
But the UK has ruled stun guns cannot be exported outside the European Union as they could be used for torture.
As Crown dependencies, the Channel Islands are not part of the UK and are outside of the European Union.
"Long term, the prognosis is not good MORE HERE
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