Welcome to The Stop Taser Torture Blog

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A Day before blogging for justice Ready, Start, blog!
The Stop Taser Torture blog is the official blog that coordinates the annual December 4th event called, “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.”
Many police departments are using tasers to torture even nonviolent people who are often those who are incoherent, hallucinating, wheelchair bound, suicidal, unarmed, deaf, handcuffed, blind, pregnant, students, or just didnt move fast enough for an officers liking. Taser torture in America is continuously growing not only in volume, but in the level of how liberally, unwarrantedly, and excessively tasering is being used across the U.S and many other countries. In America, some police departments are even now torturing 10 year old children.

Register your blog for this year’s 2nd annual “Stop Taser Torture – Blogging For Justice Day.”
Place a button on your blog or website.
Register your blog via email at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com Leave your blog name, city, country and blog address.Monday, November 30, 2009
2 Days to Go before Blogging For Justice! Taser Torture In America

The Stop Taser Torture blog is the official blog that coordinates the annual December 4th event called, “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.”
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Guyana government rejectsTasers, calling it a dangerous weapon
As reported by Stabroeak News, Guyana National Assembly on Thursday endorsed a motion by GAP/ROAR member Everall Franklin calling for police training to be intensified in the use of non-lethal weapons, but the support came with amendments and sharp words from the government benches.
Franklin, declaring himself a friend of the force, said the motion was not to weaken ranks of the Guyana Police Force but rather to offer them “options” to better serve the citizenry. He submitted that ranks must be equipped with the tools to constitutionally carry out their duties, arguing that non-lethal weapons could easily be used if available.
“Life is sacred,” Franklin and he suggested the use of non-lethal and less lethal weapons such as pepper spray, rubber projectiles and Tasers. However, the government benches rejected the Taser, calling it a dangerous weapon that had no place in the motion. Consequently, tasers were omitted following the amendments as submitted by Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee. More HERE
Thursday, November 26, 2009
NJ Attorney General OK's Taser Torture
According to By essex county criminal lawyer blog, the NJ Attorney General has OK'd use of Taser Guns for Law Enforcement

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Green Party of Suffolk Calls for Moratorium on Tasers - Joins "Stop Taser Torture Blogging For Justice Day."
When it comes to political guts regarding taser torture in America, the Democrats are spineless, the Republicans gutless, but the folks from the Green Party continue to show character. As reported by the Independent Political Report the Green Party of Suffolk is willing to challenge the status quo, and has called for a moratorium on Taser use in Suffolk County, New York.
Here is what they have to say:

“The Green Party of Suffolk is outraged to discover that Suffolk County has been using Tasers against its residents,” said its chair Roger Snyder. “It is inconceivable that Suffolk has continued to use Tasers after residents have died after being tasered.”
Snyder outlined the Green Party’s plan to protect the lives of Suffolk residents: “In line with its pillar of nonviolence, the Green Party of Suffolk demands Suffolk County seek out ways to avoid the use of easily abused and potentially lethal Tasers. As an immediate step, the Green Party of Suffolk calls on the county to put a moratorium on the use or purchase of any Tasers. In the long term, the Green Party calls on the county to train the police in nonviolent methods of resolving situations.”
The existence of Taser use in Suffolk County was brought to light by the death of a Darryl Bain after he was tasered by the Suffolk Police. According to Newsday, Bain is the fourth person to die after being tasered by Suffolk Police. Amnesty International USA has found that 350 people died in the United States and Canada after being shot by Tasers since June 2001. More HERE
The Stop Taser Torture movement salutes the Green Party for it's leadership, and it appreciative of it's support of the upcoming blogging for Justice Day.

Monday, November 23, 2009
"Stop Taser Torture A Day of Blogging for Justice"
Bloggers are joining together in an effort called, "Stop Taser Torture A Day of Blogging for Justice" which will be held on December 4, 2009. We need your support!
You may know many police departments are using tasers to torture even nonviolent people who are often those who are incoherent, hallucinating, wheelchair bound, suicidal, unarmed, deaf, handcuffed, blind, pregnant, students, or just didnt move fast enough for an officers liking. Taser torture in America is continuously growing not only in volume, but in the level of how liberally, unwarrantedly, and excessively tasering is being used across the U.S and many other countries. In America, some police departments are even now torturing 10 year old children. Now we learn that school districts are ready to taser 6-12 year olds and teens.
Here is what some of the bloggers wrote during our last Day of Blogging For Justice:
Ancestralenergies – Day-of-Blogging-For-Justice
Black Perspective.com - Taser Awareness – Blogging Against Extrea Judicial Electrocution
Christina Springer Blog- Wish-I-Had-More-Time
Eddie G. Griffin (BASG) - Officer may be indicted for Tasing Death of Scooter
Electronic Village -Electronic Village: End Police Pre-Trial, Extra Judicial
Electrocuted While black – Electrocuted While Black: “A Day of Blogging for Justice
InkogNegro – Day of Blogging for Justice – Don’t Tase the Bros to death
Jack and Jill Politics - Extra-Judicial Electrocution – Jack & Jill Politics
Jena 6 Blog - Barron-pikes-tasered-while- handcuffed.html
Police Brutality Blog - “A Day of Blogging for Justice
Purple Zoe -A Day-of-blogging-opposing-pre- trial Electrocution
Regina’s Family Seasons - “A Day Of Blogging For Justice” – Tasers.\
Republic of T – Held Suspect
A Slant Truth – Blogging For Justice – Police Abuse (Tasers)
Tasered While Black - Tasered While Black: A Day of Blogging For Justice
Ultra Violet Underground - Day Of Blogging Opposing Pre-Trial Electrocution aka Tasering
What Tami Said – A day of blogging for justice
Wonderland or Not - Taser-lets-get-a-clue
The Black Snob – A Fight Against Taser Abuse and Other News
The Super Spade – A Day of Blogging for Justice – Against – Extra – Judicial Electrocution
Black Perspective.com - Taser Awareness – Blogging Against Extrea Judicial Electrocution
Christina Springer Blog- Wish-I-Had-More-Time
Eddie G. Griffin (BASG) - Officer may be indicted for Tasing Death of Scooter
Electronic Village -Electronic Village: End Police Pre-Trial, Extra Judicial
Electrocuted While black – Electrocuted While Black: “A Day of Blogging for Justice
InkogNegro – Day of Blogging for Justice – Don’t Tase the Bros to death
Jack and Jill Politics - Extra-Judicial Electrocution – Jack & Jill Politics
Jena 6 Blog - Barron-pikes-tasered-while-
Police Brutality Blog - “A Day of Blogging for Justice
Purple Zoe -A Day-of-blogging-opposing-pre-
Regina’s Family Seasons - “A Day Of Blogging For Justice” – Tasers.\
Republic of T – Held Suspect
A Slant Truth – Blogging For Justice – Police Abuse (Tasers)
Tasered While Black - Tasered While Black: A Day of Blogging For Justice
Ultra Violet Underground - Day Of Blogging Opposing Pre-Trial Electrocution aka Tasering
What Tami Said – A day of blogging for justice
Wonderland or Not - Taser-lets-get-a-clue
The Black Snob – A Fight Against Taser Abuse and Other News
The Super Spade – A Day of Blogging for Justice – Against – Extra – Judicial Electrocution
We would like all bloggers of all walks of life to blog about taser abuse and torture during the “Stop Taser Torture – Blogging For Justice Day” on December 4, 2009.
We plan to have more bloggers this year! Email: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog or website.
Taser shocks on mentally ill and the intoxicated
Police say Tasers are lifesavers, but the odds may change for substance abusers and the mentally ill. Hat tip to Sheena Mcfarland and Melinda Rogers Source: The Salt Lake Tribune
A friendly poker game is interrupted by a phone call, answered by a drunken player who doesn't like what he hears.
The man loses the next hand, then his temper.
When Salt Lake City police arrive at the apartment three minutes later, they find his trail of shattered glass and kicked-in doors. The man is punching a wall and tells officers he wants to "kick their asses." They pull out their Tasers. The first shot misses, but the next two send 50,000 volts through his body -- incapacitating him long enough for officers to handcuff him.
Police using Tasers against sober or sane suspects usually only have to pull the trigger once. But sober or sane is hardly typical for those who go toe-to-toe with police in Utah.
A Salt Lake Tribune analysis found nearly half the time, about 47 percent of the cases, in which Utah police deployed electroshock weapons over the past 2½ years, they used them on people in altered states -- those suffering from mental illness or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Officers delivered multiple shocks to altered people almost half the time.
Yet science hasn't answered just how safe Tasers are to use on the mentally ill and substance abusers, a population that advocates say police will be even more likely to encounter as funding for treatment dwindles.
An American Medical Association council in June expressed concern that Tasers are used too often when a person does not pose a clear physical threat, and it determined there haven't been enough studies done on how they affect people in altered states. That same month, the death of a man shocked by police on a Utah highway sparked a widespread controversy. Nude and unarmed, Brian Cardall was suffering a psychotic episode when an officer zapped him twice -- at least once in the chest.
Electroshock-gun behemoth Taser International says its products can't conclusively be linked to any deaths but acknowledged individual reactions can't be predicted, particularly when underlying medical conditions or drugs are involved. After Cardall's death, the company also instructed police to avoid aiming Tasers at a person's chest - ---a departure from previous guidelines that recommended shooting at center body mass. More HERE
Taser Torture In America - School Districts Ready To Taser 6-12 year olds and Teens
With the growing ignorance of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs who are backing Tasers in schools.Why is it that the United states Government through it's Justice department are allowing police to torture children with Tasers? Why is it that a number of communities are exploring Tasers in schools?
We have all heard about the ignorant mother who asked an Arkansas Cop to taser her 10-Year-Old daughter for not taking a bath. The fact of the matter is tasering kids in our homes and schools is a recipe for Disaster.
Did you know about these other taserings young children and teens?
abc11.com: Girl Tasered at School
Teenager Tased In School By Police For Not Complying and showing I.D.
Student tased at school | CJOnline.com
14 year-old Lehigh teen tased during school fight | WINK News
OPD uses Taser during high school protest | The Education Report
Police use taser on 14-year-old at Indiana school
The publisher of Stop Taser Torture says: "I'm glad to see that a number of grass root activist are willing to address this issue with police and school departments." Now the question is why is our Federal Justice Department allowing the torture of American youth, by Tasers? Another question is why are parents willing to allow this to happen?
Do you have the answer to these questions?
Blog about It!
Join Stop Taser Torture on 12.4.09
Register your blog for this year’s 2nd annual “Stop Taser Torture – Blogging For Justice Day.”
Register your blog via email at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com
Leave your blog name, city, country and blog address.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Native Americans Join Fight Against Taser Torture
I'm proud to say that the highly regarded and internationally recognized blogger, Angry Indian at Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo has announced his support for Stop Taser Torture a Day of blogging for Justice. The Native American communities have experienced taser totrure and violence against its people since people landed on plymouth Rock.
We are appreciative of Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo joining in our collective efforts.
Americans Speak Out Against Taser Torture - Calling all Bloggers worldwide
American are speaking out against Taser Torture. Here is are just a few examples of what people are saying:
F. K. | Oneonta, NY "The use of tasers on children, the elderly & the handicapped where no threat of bodily harm is present to the office is egregious force. It's completely unacceptable by those we place the powers to uphold civility & protection in. This torture must stop." More HERE
Catherine R. | Aptos, CA A taser should be considered a potentially lethal weapon and treated as such. My good friend (age 32) was killed in front of his pregnant wife and two year old daughter by a taser. He was unarmed and posed no threat to the officer who tased him. More HERE
Name not displayed | Albany, GATasers are like the modern day whip.i cant beleive that the U.S. allows cops to walk around with these things More HERE
Name not displayed | Woodway, TXT here is no more Cruel & Unusual punishment than electrocution torture via current carrying conductors that use sharp flesh-hooking probes darted into your body a half inch or more (wherever they may happen to randomly hit on your body & puncture into your flesh?!)-
With 50,000 volts applied from this electronic torture device (E.T.D.), which has a current wave that is specifically designed & engineered with this SOLE (1) purpose: To torture the Human electrical system for time frames that FAR exceed the CURRENTLY DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL TORTURE which is proven to occur before death row electric chair sentencing of violent criminals (who were given Due Process). More HERE
With 50,000 volts applied from this electronic torture device (E.T.D.), which has a current wave that is specifically designed & engineered with this SOLE (1) purpose: To torture the Human electrical system for time frames that FAR exceed the CURRENTLY DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL TORTURE which is proven to occur before death row electric chair sentencing of violent criminals (who were given Due Process). More HERE
marline h. | Palmdale, CANot all law enforcement officers handle their power responsibly, and in recent years, the incidence of inappropriate tasing has become far too common. Something must be done to stop this abuse of power, and the pain and danger inflicted on (often innocent) our citizens.More Here
The Publisher of the Stop Taser Torture Blog says; You can also make your voice heard on December 4th.
Close your eyes to this and you or one of your loved ones may be the next victim. Even if they do not die they will experience what can only be described as torture. The pain of 50,000 volts is excruciating. So open your eyes and your mind and take action. Petition Congress Now – go here.
Calling all Bloggers worldwide
As far as I can see the United States has the worst abuses of the Taser but Americans are not alone. Amongst others Canada and the United Kingdom are experiencing Taser abuse as well.
According to the Times Online: “More than 13,400 law enforcement, correctional and military agencies in 44 countries now use Taser guns, according to Taser International’s website. They are available to more than 375,000 police officers. In addition, more than 180,000 Tasers have been sold to private citizens.”
If you own a blog join us for a day of action in protest at Taser abuse. Here’s what you can do:
- Register your interest at the link below. (there’s a selfish reason to do this see below)
- Write at least one article for posting on December 4.
- Post the link below publicising the event. Do that now.
- Publicise your blog link via Twitter and other social media sites.
- Spread the word via forums and other blogs.
Please join us on December 4, 2009 for the Day of Blogging for Justice!
Some things to help you:
The code to cut and paste the above invitation and link into your blog or web site:
Please join us on December 4, 2009 for the Day of Blogging for Justice!
Researching Taser abuse: On the page where you register to support the event there is a list of blogs who are participating and links to other blogs where you can research Taser abuse.
The selfish reason: If the shocking toll of Taser torture and death isn’t enough to prompt you to join here’s a selfish reason. Back-links help your blog and web site to rank in search engines. Ranking better in search engines gets you traffic.
The selfish reason: If the shocking toll of Taser torture and death isn’t enough to prompt you to join here’s a selfish reason. Back-links help your blog and web site to rank in search engines. Ranking better in search engines gets you traffic.
H/T to fellow blogger: The Duck Shoot.com
Again, please join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.

Support the event. Place a widget or button on your blog.
Contact us at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog.
Don’t forget to support the petition to the United States Congress calling for public hearings on the systemic human rights violations occurring with Federal funding for the use of Tasers® against American citizens. The United Nation’s Committee against Torture has declared that Taser use can constitute a form of torture, while USA: Amnesty International has an on-going concern about the use of tasers on American citizens. More HERE
Should governments limit the use of Taser guns or suspend their use? Let you opinion be known at the Dailykos.

Again, please join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.

Support the event. Place a widget or button on your blog.
Contact us at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog.
Don’t forget to support the petition to the United States Congress calling for public hearings on the systemic human rights violations occurring with Federal funding for the use of Tasers® against American citizens. The United Nation’s Committee against Torture has declared that Taser use can constitute a form of torture, while USA: Amnesty International has an on-going concern about the use of tasers on American citizens. More HERE
Should governments limit the use of Taser guns or suspend their use? Let you opinion be known at the Dailykos.

US, State and Local Tax Money Used To Buy Taser Torture Weapons
Tser International Inc. has sold 443 of its X26 stun guns to the U.S. Marshals Service in a deal that will ship by the end of the year. The devices are Scottsdale-based Taser’s (Nasdaq:TASR) older model. The company released its three-shot X3 this summer, but the X26 continues to be popular with law enforcement agencies. No financial details of the sale were released. Source: http://phoenix.bizjournals.com
- Taser gets order for 2,500 stun guns from U.S. Army [11/11/2009]
Don't forget to sign the petition to stop Taser Torture In America - A Call For Congressional Hearings.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Fort Worth, Announces Support
The Fort Worth Branch of SCLC, The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) which has taken a national lead protesting the taser death of Michael Jacobs has not stopped in renewing the call for Taser Ban.They are also actively supporting the Stop Taser Torture day on December 4th 2009.
Announcing SCLC's Fort Worth Chapter support, Rev. Kyev Tatum, Sr., President of the SCLC's Fort Worth Tarrant County Chapter said, "The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is proud to support Stop Taser Torture and encourage all to join in the international Day of Blogging. This is one of the issues that will define our generation's consciousness and human rights position for years to come. Thank you for this moment in history, Plow Forward. "
The Stop Taser Torture Movement is appreciative of Rev. Kyev Tatum, Sr. and the support of the SCLC Fort Worth Tarrant County Chapter.
The Stop Taser Torture Movement is appreciative of Rev. Kyev Tatum, Sr. and the support of the SCLC Fort Worth Tarrant County Chapter.
Standards For police Taser Use supported By Publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
Standards For police Taser Use supported By Publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
Man In Need of Mental Help - Tasered by police dies from subsequent heart attack
A Washington County man who suffered a heart attack after he was stunned with a Taser gun by police has died, Coroner Tim Warco reported this morning.
Tasered While Black says: "I guess Washington City Police have limited Standards for police Taser use."
Ronald Petruney, 49, of Washington, Pa., died at 6:58 a.m. today at Washington Hospital, Warco said in a news release.
Petruney suffered cardiac arrest Tuesday. Washington City Police found him in a confused state on Jefferson Avenue. Police said Petruney became combative and they were forced to use the Taser to subdue him.
Warco said an autopsy will be performed to determine the cause and manner of Petruney's death. I wonder What number is this in Taser-Related Deaths in the United States?
See video on community reaction >>> Man Tasered by police dies from subsequent heart attack - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
See video on community reaction >>> Man Tasered by police dies from subsequent heart attack - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Had enough of tasering? Join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. Contact us at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog. Don't forget to make a Donation to the ant-taser effort.
Standards For police Taser Use supported By Publisher of Tasered While Black Blog
I just finished reading the Police Executive Research Forum's Taser policy guidelines. The forum is a research group for police chiefs and administrators funded by the U.S. Department of Justice. There are 52 standards that were released in 2005. It was an attempt to standardize police department Taser policy nationally. The guidelines are a good start, and should be adopted in State Legislatures across America. Hopeful Canada would do the same. Do I want tasered outlawed, yes. Yet in the interim, strict policy must be created and enforced.
Some of the police forum's standards provide stricter guidelines for Taser use and improve internal oversight, training and medical care for people shot with a Taser. These standards cover issues not adequately addressed in thousands of police department across the United States, Canada and other countries.
Results include your SearchWiki notes for Chicgao sun times, taser. Share these notes
Blogger, African American Political Pundit, who publishes the blog Tasered While Black said, "every police department in the United States should compare it's Police Department's Taser policy with the forum's standards." He also said, there is a need for all police departments to establish a clear policy on providing medical treatment from medical professionals to people shot with Tasers." The bottom line is police agencies should be required to contact emergency responders whenever the police respond to a call where they believe a Taser might be used." The blogger said, "It's time for police departments to take corrective action and it's time for Congressional and state legislators, along with state police agencies to take the lead in developing strict requirements, such as those spelled out in the Police Executive Research Forum's Taser policy guidelines."Don't forget to join us on December 4th. “Stop Taser Torture, blogging for Justice.” as we raise awareness and trigger a global discussion. Contact us at: StopTaserTorture@gmail.com to register your blog.
Please place a button on your blog.
Anti-Taser Movement Grows in US - Taser-free Columbia Campaign Gains Support
BY Catherine Parke
At a press conference held in Columbia on Oct. 30, the Taser-free Columbia campaign was announced. This public education project marks a significant redirection of the work first begun by the Coalition to Control Tasers, founded in Columbia in 2008. This redirection now aims to make Columbia completely Taser-free by presenting the voting public the issue of eliminating the use of these weapons by the Police Department and the public.
We could not have foreseen this critical need to work toward eliminating Tasers either when the Coalition was originally formed, or even as recently as May 2009, when the national Police Executive Research Forum standards were implemented to guide, control and assert protocols of use and accountability to inform and protect the public.
But it has become evident to us that making Columbia Taser-free is now absolutely necessary to public safety.
Compelling reasons have brought us to this position. We are responding to a call on our consciences that does not allow us to remain silent. We must speak.
Here are the reasons:
First, even after instituting PERF standards, Tasers continue to be used in ambiguous, uncertain and seemingly mistaken ways that appear not to conform consistently to standards of “imminent danger” and appropriate use.
There is the well-known Aug. 1 incident involving Alan Giles, who had no weapon and posed no apparent threat, shot twice with a Taser in the alley behind Cafe Berlin. In addition, the May 16 incident of Tasering a man threatening self-harm that appears to have involved failure to follow Taser-use guidelines and the force continuum.
Second, in this climate of uncertain and ambiguous use of Tasers, accountability and transparency, which are always essential, become emphatically vital. Citizens and citizen groups making Sunshine Law requests have encountered chronic difficulties in obtaining police documents for examination, a problem that also characterized the period before PERF. (See Attorney Ed Berg’s substantive commentary, “Taser use info hard to access: Police, Council skirt Sunshine Law rules,” and the op-ed by the Coalition to Control Tasers, “Police should follow Sunshine Act, provide Taser records.”)
Third, many people see and feel a widening gap of uncertainty and fear between themselves and the police — a gap that lessens cooperation, intercepts good communication, erodes trust and damages the model of service to the public that is essential for a city police force to always support and maintain.
This climate of uncertainty and mistrust leads to an instability that can, in turn, deteriorate into irreparable harm, as in the death of young Stanley Harlan, killed by a Taser in Moberly in August 2008. This tragic death in our region, an addition to the ever-growing number of deaths nationwide (approximately one each week), Taser International’s recent warning about the dangers of shooting into the chest and recent decisions against Tasers in Memphis, Mich., and Tarrant County, Texas map the mounting evidence of a worsening situation.
Let it not require the death of a Columbia citizen to move us to eliminate all Tasers in our city. Police Chief Kenneth Burton was quoted in January as saying that citizens should make the ultimate decision about whether their Police Department uses Tasers.
We invoke his accurate and admirable statement as our call to announce the Taser-free Columbia public education campaign to inform ourselves fully and accurately about these weapons in preparation for a ballot issue in November 2010.
Source: columbia missourian.com
Catherine Parke, mother of three, long-time citizen of Columbia and MU professor emerita of English and women's studies, has an art studio with community education focus, OurArt, at Orr St. Studios, and is currently teaching English at Moberly Area Community College.
We could not have foreseen this critical need to work toward eliminating Tasers either when the Coalition was originally formed, or even as recently as May 2009, when the national Police Executive Research Forum standards were implemented to guide, control and assert protocols of use and accountability to inform and protect the public.
But it has become evident to us that making Columbia Taser-free is now absolutely necessary to public safety.
Compelling reasons have brought us to this position. We are responding to a call on our consciences that does not allow us to remain silent. We must speak.
Here are the reasons:
First, even after instituting PERF standards, Tasers continue to be used in ambiguous, uncertain and seemingly mistaken ways that appear not to conform consistently to standards of “imminent danger” and appropriate use.
There is the well-known Aug. 1 incident involving Alan Giles, who had no weapon and posed no apparent threat, shot twice with a Taser in the alley behind Cafe Berlin. In addition, the May 16 incident of Tasering a man threatening self-harm that appears to have involved failure to follow Taser-use guidelines and the force continuum.
Second, in this climate of uncertain and ambiguous use of Tasers, accountability and transparency, which are always essential, become emphatically vital. Citizens and citizen groups making Sunshine Law requests have encountered chronic difficulties in obtaining police documents for examination, a problem that also characterized the period before PERF. (See Attorney Ed Berg’s substantive commentary, “Taser use info hard to access: Police, Council skirt Sunshine Law rules,” and the op-ed by the Coalition to Control Tasers, “Police should follow Sunshine Act, provide Taser records.”)
Third, many people see and feel a widening gap of uncertainty and fear between themselves and the police — a gap that lessens cooperation, intercepts good communication, erodes trust and damages the model of service to the public that is essential for a city police force to always support and maintain.
This climate of uncertainty and mistrust leads to an instability that can, in turn, deteriorate into irreparable harm, as in the death of young Stanley Harlan, killed by a Taser in Moberly in August 2008. This tragic death in our region, an addition to the ever-growing number of deaths nationwide (approximately one each week), Taser International’s recent warning about the dangers of shooting into the chest and recent decisions against Tasers in Memphis, Mich., and Tarrant County, Texas map the mounting evidence of a worsening situation.
Let it not require the death of a Columbia citizen to move us to eliminate all Tasers in our city. Police Chief Kenneth Burton was quoted in January as saying that citizens should make the ultimate decision about whether their Police Department uses Tasers.
We invoke his accurate and admirable statement as our call to announce the Taser-free Columbia public education campaign to inform ourselves fully and accurately about these weapons in preparation for a ballot issue in November 2010.
Source: columbia missourian.com
Catherine Parke, mother of three, long-time citizen of Columbia and MU professor emerita of English and women's studies, has an art studio with community education focus, OurArt, at Orr St. Studios, and is currently teaching English at Moberly Area Community College.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Progressive Bloggers United Against Taser Tortue, Kick Off Crusade
Back-to-Back-to-Back Taser Deaths Kicks Off Crusade
By Eddie G. Griffin (BASG)
Since the maker of the 50,000-volt electronic stun gun control device (ECD), TASER International, issued a new directive and warnings in an October 12, 2009 memo, there has been six more death, three in a matter of four days this past week:
• 453. November 13, 2009: Herman George Knabe, 58, Corpus Christi, Texas
• 454. November 14, 2009: Darryl Bain, 43, Long Island, New York
• 455. November 16, 2009: Matthew Bolick, 30, East Grand Rapids, Michigan
The word about tasers is obviously not getting out. There is still a general public acceptance of tasers as an better alternative to more deadly force, and the common belief among law enforcement that the instrument saves more lives than are lost. But is it saving lives of officers in the field at the expense of the lives of innocent people and thereby endangering the general public’s safety?
Truth Not Tasers blogsite now list the names of 455 people in North America who have lost their lives by tasers.
In a continuing effort to raise public awareness about the deadliness of the weapon, and the memory of those who needlessly died, we are waging a blogging campaign on December 4, 2009. The purpose of the Stop Taser Torture Blogging for Justice Day is “to unite the world’s bloggers” in America, Canada, and throughout the world to join in on the effort to stop tasers.
[Blog Registration through StopTaserTorture@gmail.com]
AfroSpear Network Blogger, Eddie G. Griffin (BASG), has joined the campaign to register the grievances against TASER International on behalf of Fort Worth, Texas families who have lost love ones to the device.
• 424. April 18, 2009: Michael Jacobs Jr., 24, Fort Worth, Texas
• 228. August 23, 2006: Noah Lopez, 25, Fort Worth, Texas
• 138. June 24, 2005: Carolyn Daniels, 25, Fort Worth, Texas
• 116. April 3, 2005: Eric Hammock, 43, Fort Worth, Texas
• 86. November 2, 2004: Robert Guerrero, 21, Fort Worth, Texas
Eddie G. Griffin (BASG), an Adult Friend of World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child, Mariefred, Sweden, also raise the issue of tasers used against children, contrary to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Resolution 44/25, adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November 1989, which states in Article 6 that “every child has the inherent right to life”, and in Article 37 (a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
These are children who died by taser.
• 7. December 15, 2001: Hannah Rogers-Grippi, 6 months fetus, Chula Vista, California
• 144. July 12, 2005: Kevin Omas, 17, Euless, Texas
• 249. October 29, 2006: Roger Holyfield, 17, Jerseyville, Illinois
• 351. March 20, 2008: Darryl Wayne Turner, 17, Charlotte, North Carolina
• 379. July 22, 2008: Michael Langan, 17, Winnipeg, Manitoba
• 408. January 8, 2009: Derrick Jones, 17, Martinsville, Virginia
• 417. March 22, 2009: Brett Elder, 15, Bay City, Michigan
• 421. April 10, 2009: Robert Mitchell, 16, Detroit, Michigan
Although the United States is not a signatory party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, these voiceless children have need of an advocate to speak on their behalf.
417. March 22, 2009: Brett Elder, 15, Bay City, Michigan
Hello, my name is Bethany and I have been reading a lot about how to try and change the state laws in Michigan. I was very close to the 15-year old boy Brett Elder (Dewy). I think about him every day and there is nothing I can do to bring him back, but there is something I can do, and that is to start a Petition. As you may know there have already been two deaths of minors in the State of Michigan this year. I am currently in the process of creating a petition (Dewy’s Minor Taser Protection Act).
If you have any advice for me please feel free to e-mail me. I have also a myspace:
Bethany A. Schuster, Bay City, Michigan (Tinkerbell283125@comcast.net)
[Editor's Note: As I write, a 10-year old girl has been tasered.]
FOR TASER WAR UPDATES, Read http://eddiegriffinbasg. blogspot.com/
PRESS RELEASE December 4, 2009 - Blogging For Justice
Press Release
December 4, 2009 Blogging For Justice Event
Stop Taser Torture – Stop Police Pre-Trial Extra-Judicial
Electrocutions and Executions
Electrocutions and Executions
Washington, DC - November 19, 2009
On December 4, 2009, bloggers from across America are joining together for "A Day of Blogging for Justice - Blogging To Stop Taser Torture and the Pre-Trial -Judicial Electrocution of Americans by police".
Several dozen bloggers from diverse communities nationally and internationally are participating thus far.
See the linked list of participating bloggers here: http://stoptasertorture. blogspot.com/
The use of tasering on even nonviolent persons who are often those who are incoherent, hallucinating, wheelchair bound, suicidal, unarmed, deaf, handcuffed, blind, pregnant, students, foreign non-English speakers, or just didn’t move fast enough for an officers liking; is continuously growing not only in volume, but in the level of how liberally, unwarrantedly, and excessively tasering is being used across the country. We are now torturing 10 year old children.
Both Black and White, poor and middle-class, & others have been subject to such abuse, and sentenced to death on the street. Yet, we cannot let go unnoticed that Black and the disadvantaged are even most subject to ‘electrocute first, ask questions later’.
Both Black and White, poor and middle-class, & others have been subject to such abuse, and sentenced to death on the street. Yet, we cannot let go unnoticed that Black and the disadvantaged are even most subject to ‘electrocute first, ask questions later’.
Many Americans have seen the outrageous police tasing of an unarmed suicidal man; causing him to fall OFF AN OVERPASS AND ONTO THE HIGHWAY, in clear violation of tasing instructions! Phillip McDuffy was suicidal before, but with the help of his local police, he is now in critical condition.
Or, the 9-times tasering to death of the cousin of Jena 6 defendant Mychael Bell, Barron “Scooter” Pikes, while he was handcuffed; killing him in the back of a patrol car.
The blogs Excited-Delirium, Electronic Village, Truth Not Tasers, Tasered While Black, Pam’s House Blend, Electrocuted While Black, and other bloggers have been tracking the issue of taser torture in America for some time now.
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now is tracking the death of Mr. Pikes. We are blogging on December 4th against police and other security entities across America, Canada and around the world involved in Extra-Judicial Electrocution by Tasers. African American political Pundit, one of the organizers of the event has called it a campaign against "on the spot pre-trial electrocution" of members of the American public. He went on to say, even 10 year old little girls are not safe from taser torture.
Francis L. Holland, Esq., a blogger at the blog Electrocuted While black says,
Francis L. Holland, Esq., a blogger at the blog Electrocuted While black says,
The Francis L. Holland Blog is calling for a moratorium on the pre-trial, extra-judicial electrocution of members of the public, at least until it can be demonstrated that these electrocutions are not potentially lethal, are not being used to torture subjects in custody, and are not being used disproportionately and gratuitously on Black people as a form of modern-day lynching.
The Publisher of the blog, Tasered While Black says,
It’s time for the U.S Justice Department to address the issue of taser torture in America. It has to address the issue of the Use of Force Continuum ‘head on’ with the thousands of police departments in America who think it’s OK to torture the incoherent, wheelchair bound, suicidal, unarmed, deaf, handcuffed, blind, pregnant, students, or 10 year old kids. It’s time for the justice department to send out regular notices and in-service training on the use of these “weapons of citizen torture and destruction,” as they hopefully, become outlawed as torture weapons in years to come.
Today we want to give you and other members of the general public, awareness on the issue of taser abuse by police. It's important that the general public understand the 'use of force continuum' used by law enforcement officials, and how it is abused by many in the law enforcement community. (See the use-of-force-continuum provided by Villager at Electronic Village: http://electronicvillage. blogspot.com/2008/02/use-of- force-continuum.html) Although there is a Justice Department Review of TASER-related Deaths the on-the-spot pre-trial electrocutions continues.
Contact person: AfricanAmericanPoliticalPundit@gmail.com
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